This work is a collaboration between the University of Arizona
(Brown and
Washington State University
and the University of Florida
Funding: The Citrus Advanced Technology Program: The citrus psyllid transcriptome
and time course differential gene expression in Ca. Liberibacter-infected/free whole psyllids and organs.
Asian Citrus Psyllid and Potato Psyllid Illumina Sequencing
Individual and comparison databases were created for the following datasets (ref #1, #2).
- download the published transcriptomes or view the database using the TCW applet (ref #3).
Asian Citrus Psyllid Sanger and 454 Sequencing
Individual databases were created for Sanger ESTs (ref#4) and 454.
ACP testes, ACP midgut, psyllid, Kuwayama
Whole body adult, gut
- download 454 reads and view the databases using the PAVE web interface (ref#5).
TW Fisher, M Vyas, R He, W Nelson, JM Cicero, M Willer, R Kim, R Kramer, GA May, JA Crow, CA Soderlund, DR Gang and JK Brown (2014)
Comparison of Potato and Asian Citrus Psyllid Adult and Nymph Transcriptomes Identified Vector Transcripts with Potential Involvement in Circulative, Propagative Liberibacter Transmission.
Pathogens 3(4), 875-907; doi:10.3390/pathogens3040875.
M Vyas, TW Fisher, R He, W Nelson, G Yin, JM Cicero, M Willer, R Kim, R Kramer, GA May, JA Crow, CA Soderlund,
DR Gang, JK Brown (2015) Asian Citrus Psyllid Expression Profiles Suggest Candidatus Liberibacter
Asiaticus-Mediated Alteration of Adult Nutrition and Metabolism, and of Nymphal Development and Immunity.
PLOS One 10.1371/journal.pone.0130328
C Soderlund, W Nelson, M Willer, DR Gang (2013) TCW: Transcriptome Computational Workbench. PLOS One DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0069401
Hunter et al. (2009) Psyllid Biology: Expressed Genes in Adult Asian Citrus Psyllids, Diaphorina citri Kuwayama
The Open Entolmology Journal 3, 19-29. PDF
Soderlund et al. (2009) PAVE: Program for Assembling and Viewing ESTs. BMC Genomics 10:400.